Are you looking for a spare Mercedes Sprinter key? Here at Lincoln Car Key Man, we want to help you make the correct decision, with some helpful information.
For a long time Mercedes had this sewn up. If you were an independent Auto Locksmith such as ourselves, it wasn’t possible to supply or code new keys.
Next, equipment started to appear that sometimes worked on Mercedes cars, but it was awkward to use. The only way to supply a spare Mercedes Sprinter key was to remove parts of the car, or van and alter them to allow key programming. We call this programming on the bench, instead of on the vehicle.
Problems with making a spare Mercedes Sprinter key
So although it was now possible to do some Mercedes vehicles, it wasn’t very practical. On top of this, there were issues with faults developing after key programming, or the vehicle not running at all afterwards! So for these reasons, we have avoided the early days of Mercedes key programming. We’ve needed to wait before we could offer a spare Mercedes Sprinter key.
We believe that if you trust us to do a car key for you, we return your car working just as you gave it to us. We’ve never been interested in experimenting on customers cars, with unreliable equipment. Although some companies may do this, we’ve bided our time.
The great news is that we now offer spare Mercedes Sprinter key programming, using high quality aftermarket keys. Over the last year, new equipment has been developed that cuts down the risk to your vehicle. We’ve been testing it over the last three months and are very impressed. Unfortunately it doesn’t cover some of the later cars, but we’re prepared to wait, so you get the best job.
How do I get a spare Mercedes Sprinter key?
If you’re local to us pop in to our workshop on Tritton Rd in Lincoln. We can show you the type of key we offer and check to see if your vehicle is covered. Or just give us a call on 01522 514141 and we can discuss this with you.
How much is a spare Mercedes Sprinter key?
We charge £160 to supply a spare Mercedes key at our workshop in Lincoln. This price includes cutting the emergency key, programming it to the car and VAT.
I've had a cheaper quote, will you match it?
It’s a fair question, so let me explain a about how we come to our price. Car keys come in a range of qualities, from the the most expensive dealer key, down to the bargain basement of eBay.
You’ll be able to buy an uncut, unprogrammed Mercedes key for around £15 if you look hard enough. The trouble is that the keys are such poor quality, they often do not programme correctly. Or, if you do get it coded, after a short time there are problems with the key operating correctly
When these keys are used as a spare Mercedes Sprinter key, you may find yourself stranded, when your van no longer recognises the key. We know this because we’ve seen it every month for all the time we’ve been in business.
The other reason we charge our price is that our equipment is expensive, and has technical backup. So in the unlikely event of having a problem with the van, we have technical backup to solve the problem.
For this reason, we believe the price is fair, it gives you a good quality key at a fair price.
If you have any more questions please call us on 01522 514141 or drop in for a chat.